Wednesday 27 August 2014

Benefits of FREELETICS, My Personal Experience

I've been doing Freeletics for the past 18 weeks completing the 15 week cardio program and now in my 4th week of the cardio+strength program. Choosing the Freeletics program was one of the best decision I've made in my journey towards building a healthy and fit body.

Here are some of the benefits and changes I've gone through since I started Freeletics

1. Improved Stamina 
This was the most significant benefit I've experienced while doing the cardio program. I put this to the test by going for runs, completing 12km and 15km (something which I've not done before) at a time that I would consider good for a beginner runner.

In fact, I felt that I could go on and on (no difficulty in breathing) if not for the cramps I was feeling ( I read that this was caused by lack of minerals).

The point is, after I started Freeletics, I had no breathing difficulty while running 5km or 12km or even 15km (in other words improved stamina). This was of course in stark contrast a 10km run I did last year when I was totally fat and unfit. Not only was I suffering from pains and cramps, I had difficulty breathing throughout the run.

2. Weight Loss and Body Fat Reduction
This is another significant improvement that I'm experiencing. Just take a look at my transformation photo after completing the 15 week Freeletics Cardio program:

3. Improved Mental Toughness
Freeletics is a workout that challenges both your physical and mental strength. Many times especially during the first few weeks where I felt my body could not go any further and I wanted to give up on the program. There are also times where I feel so tired from the previous day workout that I was thinking for sure I would not be able to complete the workout for today. Yet, what kept me going was pure willpower and mental strength. 

Over the span of 15 weeks, I felt the improvement in my mental strength as I completed each workout. My mental strength grew and as so was my confidence in facing the challenges thrown to me each week. Ultimately, I realized that Freeletics was not only a program to get fit. It was also program of self discovery and helping one to start believing that nothing..I repeat nothing is truly impossible!

4. Minimal to Zero Injury
I used to love running a lot and I put in lots of mileage to stay fit during my mid twenties. I ran for 1 to 2 hours daily at that time and I lost weight in the process. The problem with running long distance was injuries. Perhaps it was the wrong shoes or it could be due to improper running gait. Whatever the reason was, I was in pain both from muscle soreness and joint pains. Sometimes I could barely walk and had to take a day or two away from work to recover. Eventually the pain and injuries just got too frequent that I decided to give up running. From that point onward, everything related to my health started to spiral downwards.

I wasn't until recently, at the age of 32 that I started to pick up exercising again. Stumbling upon Freeletics was the best thing ever. The workouts were intense yet only range between 5min to 40 mins. Despite putting my body to the test during the workout, it was not prolonged therefore reducing my exposure to injuries. 

In addition, following the correct posture of doing each exercise helped in preventing unwanted stress to my body. In short, I had enjoyed an intense workout with little or no risk of injury. Doing Freeletics is not about endurance (such as what running was to me). I see Freeletics as an efficient and effective use of my body to build an even better body.

Tuesday 12 August 2014

12 Aug 2014 : Initial Attempts with the Chin Up Bar

Despite completing 15 weeks of the Freeletics Cardio program, I realized that my upper body strength is pretty weak. Here's my attempt at chin ups captured on video.

Hopefully in weeks to come, I will be able to do both chin ups and pull ups easily. Eventually I intend to progress to other Calisthenic routines!.


Monday 4 August 2014

4 AUG 2014 - My Transformation

After 15 weeks of grueling Freeletics Cardio program consisting of thousands of jumping jacks, situps, burpees and climbers, this is the outcome of my transformation:

Between 15 March 2014 to 3 August 2014, I lost a total of 17 kg via the Freeletics Cardio program as well as eating a diet consisting of low carbs, minimal sugar, high in protein coupled with loads of vege and fruits. 

The diet helped in losing weight while the Freeletics routine quicken the weight loss as well as giving me a healthier looking body. 

This is my transformation!

From 88kg in March to 71kg in Aug 2014
To change one's lifestyle, one has to be determined to make the sacrifices. Do not expect to lose weight or to remain healthy if you have no control over what you dump into your body. 

Do not expect to get a lean and nice figure from walking or doing light exercise. Yes, I agree that these exercise will contribute to your overall good health, but will never give you the nice and fit body that you see on magazines. In addition, these exercise will never improve your stamina or the strength. 

If you're looking to build a strong and healthy body, I highly recommend you to follow the Freeletics Cardio program that I've just completed. This is no stroll in the park program and most probably 70% - 80% of you would have given up by the 2nd week. 

Now I'm throwing a challenge at you! I'm challenging you to complete this 15 week program.

Trust me when I say that by the end of 15 weeks, you'll own a body that is so much fitter, stronger and leaner then before.

My transformation picture is a proof of my claims.

So are you ready to take the Freeletics Challenge?

If YES, then click HERE to check out 


Freeletics Transformation Malaysia
Freeletics Transformation Malaysia - Picture taken 6th Sept 2014

Sunday 3 August 2014

3rd Aug 2014 : Birthday + Soon To Complete the Freeletics 15 Week Cardio Program!

It is my 32nd birthday today! Yay! And what better way to celebrate then to to complete my final day of the Freeletics Cardio Program.

Today is Hell Week 15, Day 7 of the Cardio program. And all I need to complete for today are the following exercises:
1) Metis
2) Apollon
3) Aphrodite

What is Metis?
- 10 burpees
- 10 climbers
- 10 high jumps

Completed this with a new Personal Best time of 5 mins 20 sec!

What is Apollon?
- 25 burpees
- 400 m run
- 50 deep squats
- 400 m run
x repeat 3 times

Completed this as well with a time of 33 min 45 sec!

Last workout which I will be doing later in the evening is Aphrodite

What is Aphrodite?

Should have no problem completing Aphrodite for I have done this workout countless times. Round 1 and Round 2 are always the most difficult as it challenges both the body and the mind. Once you get past R1 and R2, the remaining rounds are just a breeze.

In my next post, I intend to post the progress pic from the day I started Freeletics till completion of this program. You'll be the judge of the effectiveness of this program.

Lastly, I'll be taking a break for a day or two before starting the next program. What program? Well stay tuned to this blog and find out.

Cheers and Work Hard Everyone!